Entirely All-Natural Skincare

Truly Non-Toxic, Safe for Mom (and babes) Skincare that Works

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Primally Pure is all-natural and non-toxic.

Have you ever spent some time reading the ingredients on the products you’re putting on your skin? Lemme remind you: your skin is your largest organ…

When I started to get serious about looking at the labels, I was shocked to realize I couldn’t pronounce most of what my body was ingesting through my skin. Primally Pure is different. Every single product is made with safe, natural ingredients — and nothing else. Trust me, this is one label you’ll be able to read.

natural skincare
Facial Acupuncture Victoria bc

Primally Pure completely changed my skin.

Have you ever spent some time reading the ingredients on the products you’re putting on your skin? Lemme remind you: your skin is your largest organ…

When I started to get serious about looking at the labels, I was shocked to realize I couldn’t pronounce most of what my body was ingesting through my skin. Primally Pure is different. Every single product is made with safe, natural ingredients — and nothing else. Trust me, this is one label you’ll be able to read.

Here's what I do every single night

my skincare routine

oil cleansing

I use the oil cleanser every night to remove makeup and clean my skin. It’s the ONLY product I bring when I travel! Make up remover, cleanser, and moisturizer.

facial toner

After cleansing, I spritz on some complexion mist. My favorite is the “Everything Spray,” formulated to heal and tone. This is the only thing I use in the AM!

plumping serum

03. hydrate

I alternate between the plumping serum and the soothing serum. The soothing helped me with rosacea and overly reactive skin. Both are amazing!

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Let's find out...

what products work
best for YOU!

Take this holistic skincare quiz to determine what kind of skin type you have and which routine will yield the best results! 


The everything spray, is really for everything!

This cleansing oil will change the way you wash your face!

Plumping serum wins an award for rejuvenating my skin!

Gua Sha tool is part of my daily life (favourite part of the day!)

Finally, an all natural deodorant that works!

Who doesn’t love a face mask?!? this one is AMAZING!!

Baby balm isn’t just for babies… I use it all the time

Dry brushing is a long standing love of mine. Detox and stimulate lymphatic flow

Frequently asked questions. Answered.

Why is Non-Toxic important?

For me, I started to really thinking about going Non-Toxic after our second miscarriage when I started to research things that can impact your fertility. At the time my doctor had prescribed topical creams for my healing and I realized that my body is absorbing everything I put on my skin… including my products.

Natural + non-toxic living in general is an individual choice, and we find that education is key! We have loads of helpful information on our blog explaining the importance of using natural products. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that we are exposed to heaps of toxins on a daily basis (in the foods we eat, water we drink, technology we use, air we breathe and more) and it’s so important to make changes that are within our control (like the products we apply), because there are so many things we can’t control

I tried a different natural deodorant brand once and felt like it didn't work. How is this one different?

The education behind WHY nontoxic is important outweighs certain detox results such as sweat + smell, which typically subside. The deodorant formula protects against odor pretty darn well. With smell, this WILL get better. Much better. And if it doesn’t, it may be time to consider making some dietary changes and eliminate processed food. Regular exercise can also help the body to detox and minimize BO!

It’s also important to remember that sweat is a HEALTHY and NORMAL part of being human! And since this product doesn’t contain any of the toxic chemicals found in conventional deodorants, it won’t interfere with your body’s natural and necessary detoxification process (also known as sweating). 

I sweat A LOT. Does this deodorant really hold up through intense workouts?
  • First and foremost, you have to remember that sweat is a HEALTHY and NORMAL part of being human! If you look like a Gatorade commercial, awesome, your body is detoxing! And since this product doesn’t contain any of the toxic chemicals found in conventional deodorants, it won’t interfere with your body’s natural and necessary detoxification process (also known as sweating).

    After making the switch from a chemical-laden deodorant or antiperspirant, you may be extra sweaty as your body rids itself of toxins. This should normalize soon enough. And once it does, you may find that you sweat even LESS than you did before! My favorite for tough workouts or sweaty days it the charcoal deodorant!
I have oily skin and feel nervous about using an oil-based product. Will the cleansing oil work for me?

Conventional cleansers, soaps and scrubs are actually loaded with ingredients that can worsen sensitive skin conditions, cause premature aging and aggravate acne. While certain oils may not beneficial for your skin type, several actually are! I love, love, love the Primally Pure Oil Cleansers. The combination of these oils help to restore balance and strengthen the skin barrier, without disrupting your skin’s pH levels. We’ve been blending oils for years to find your skin’s sweet spot, so you can finally kiss your oil-blotting sheets goodbye.

There can be an adjustment period, which may take some time to work through. Deep cleansing takes time and patience as all the built-up dirt, grime and residue is swept out of the pores to reveal the skin’s natural beauty. Check out my blog post, A How-to Guide to Oil Cleansing to learn more. 


Call (250) 655-1660 or send Katie a message using the form below.

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